November 18, 2011 Special Dispatch No. 4297

In Two Interviews, Saudi Cleric Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan Expresses Conflicting Views of the U.S.: Its Greatness Is Due To Its Freedom and Its Respect For Minorities - But It Was Complicit In Or Actually Carried Out 9/11, and the Pile Of Skulls of America's Victims 'Would Be Higher Than the WTC'

November 18, 2011
Saudi Arabia | Special Dispatch No. 4297

In an interview that aired November 9, 2011 on Al-Arabiya TV, Saudi cleric Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan praised the U.S., lauding "the freedom, the facilitation of creativity, and their respect for all the minorities" there (to view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

However, in a previous interview, aired October 7, 2008 on Al-Majd TV, he stated, "Allah be praised, America is collapsing," and noted that "[e]ither they were accomplices in 9/11, or else they carried it out" and that "[b]ecause of 9/11, they killed millions of people, and if their skulls were placed one on top of the other, the pile would be higher than the WTC." (To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan is the general manager of the Message of Islam website ( and headed the Islamic Studies division at the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America from 1997 to 2002. He is the author of numerous Islamic books and appears frequently on Saudi television.[1]

Following are the transcripts of both interviews.

Abd Al-Aziz Fawzan Al-Fawzan on the Greatness of America, November 9, 2011: Their Success Is Due to Their Freedom, Facilitation of Creativity, and Respect for Minorities;

Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan: "I have taught more than 80 courses in Islamic faith, jurisprudence, and shari'a, as well as on how to deal with non-Muslims, and so on. I taught these courses in almost all the U.S. states. I was received with great hospitality and openness.

"As you know, in Western countries, you don't need permission to hold a lecture, or to give an Islamic religious or ideological class or course. You can do that any time and any place. Furthermore, almost all the courses I taught were advertised on the local TV channels and press in each state.

"For this, the U.S. should be credited and commended. In my view, this is one of the main reasons for the development and progress of the U.S. This freedom, the facilitation of creativity, and their respect for all the minorities in that country, without discrimination, are the reason for the success of those people." […]

Abd Al-Aziz Fawzan Al-Fawzan in Interview, October 7, 2008: Allah Be Praised, America Is Collapsing; It Was Either Complicit In or Actually Carried Out 9/11; The Pile Of Skulls of America's Victims Would Be Higher Than the WTC

Abd Al-'Aziz Fawzan Al-Fawzan: "A few years ago, the Socialist Communist system ended in a devastating collapse, and it was followed by the Soviet republics, one after another. Russia gave up its competition against American hegemony, and the United States became the unipolar leader ruling the world. Now, Allah be praised, America is collapsing, according to the same scenario of the Russian collapse.


"This tremendous economic power, which is unparalleled in history, was bound to collapse one day because it is based on injustice.


"Will the West admit the collapse of capitalism? I am convinced that they will not. We are used to their obstinacy and arrogance. They always turn the facts upside down..."

Interviewer: "But they will have to admit..."

Abd Al-‘Aziz Fawzan Al-Fawzan: "Now they have begun to adopt the principles of Islamic economy – only they do not call it 'Islamic.' The prohibition on short selling, the prohibition on the expanding and the selling of debts – this is Islam!


"They committed crimes that only God knows of. Either they were accomplices in 9/11, or else they carried it out, even though they have deceived the world about this. They carried out many terror operations around the world, and the president of Yemen revealed two days ago that a terror cell that was captured was using Islamic slogans, but in fact belonged to Israeli intelligence. These criminals want to take control over the world, by spreading fear, death, and destruction, and at the same time, they give the impression that they are the victims. Because of 9/11, they killed millions of people, and if their skulls were placed one on top of the other, the pile would be higher than the WTC."


[1] Abd Al-Aziz Fawzan Al-Fawzan's official Facebook page, accessed November 18, 2011.

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