June 3, 2014 Special Announcements No. 309

MEMRI'S 2014 SUMMER CAMPAIGN - Please Support Us Today

June 3, 2014
Special Announcements No. 309

MEMRI relies solely on the generosity of our readers in order to continue to do work that no one else in the world is doing. Thanks to this generous support, we have to date been able to publish over 5,700 print media translations, 1,100 analysis reports, and nearly 4,300 translated TV clips; we have also been able to welcome millions of visitors to our websites.

In 2014, MEMRI continues to have a direct impact in the Middle East and beyond. In April, a MEMRI TV clip from Tunisian TV showed MEMRI's impact worldwide influencing capitals in the West; it stated: "[T]hey translate [their research] into 70 languages, and send it to all the decision-makers worldwide – to the U.S. Congress, to the Duma, to Germany, [and] to France." Additionally, a Kuwaiti cabinet minister resigned following accusations by the U.S. Treasury Department Undersecretary For Terrorism And Financial Intelligence that he had made statements in support of jihad in Syria. The Treasury Department had obtained the information from a 2011 MEMRI TV clip, in which the minister, on Kuwaiti TV, referred to Jews as "evil," "apes and pigs," and "the scum of mankind."

As critical events continue to unfold in various arenas in the region, we are working around the clock monitoring, translating, and analyzing primary source material from the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran, "Bridging the Language Gap" between these regions and the West. But producing and distributing our research and maintaining our numerous websites are increasingly costly undertakings.


Now is the time to support MEMRI – as the crisis in Syria deepens; as the Iran-U.S. dialogue may end up producing a nuclear Iran; as the U.S.'s Arab allies' disappointment with recent U.S. policy in the region grows; as Egypt's leadership crisis continues to take dramatic turns; as jihadi groups expand their outreach, recruiting, and planning, particularly via U.S.-based social media; and as Israeli-Palestinian talks stagnate. MEMRI research is as vital as ever, particularly in light of the fact that today, 13 years after 9/11, the U.S. intelligence community still includes fewer than 2,000 fluent speakers of Middle East-based languages, according to a recent Washington Post report.

You already know that your generous support for MEMRI enables us to continue to assist the U.S. government and military in the day-to-day fight against extremism – including monitoring terrorists, supporting reformists, and documenting antisemitism and other forms of hatred in the media of these regions.

And, as a MEMRI reader, you are familiar with our continuing efforts to monitor more media sources in more countries, research more subjects, translate into more languages, and make our research more widely available across more platforms. For example, MEMRI's apps for iPhone and Android provide on-the-go access to MEMRI content, including MEMRI TV clips, translations, and analysis, and let you receive alerts whenever new content is posted; they are also constantly being improved to be more user friendly. Also planned for release are a new video player allowing MEMRI TV clips to play on all formats including Apple, and an upgrade to the MEMRI website.

We need your help now, more than ever before, to meet our budgetary commitments. Your renewed donation is of critical importance to MEMRI. We are extremely grateful and thankful for your past contribution to MEMRI, and at this time need to ask whether you could possibly renew your support, or even consider increasing it. Your donation will of course be tax deductible.

The Following Projects Need Funding

  • MEMRI TV Project MEMRI TV monitors and translates nearly 100 Arab and Iranian channels around the clock, distributing the material around the world. This project is a major resource for researchers from government, academia, legislatures, and the media, providing them with a much deeper understanding of complex situations than they can obtain from other sources. MEMRI TV clips are viewed over one million times each month. No other institute in the world provides this service, including those in the intelligence communities of the U.S. government.
  • The Tom Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial – The Archives focus on the ongoing and ubiquitous expressions of antisemitism and Holocaust denial across the Arab and Muslim world. Speakers at the Archives' annual Capitol Hill event have included administration officials and leading Members of Congress: Secretary of State John Kerry, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, and House of Representatives Budget Chairman Paul Ryan. U.S. Vice President Joseph R. Biden, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner have sent expressions of their support, along with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel, and others.
  • Iran Studies Project – Focusing on the ramifications of the U.S.-Iran détente, including the possibility of Iran becoming a nuclear power, and other vital issues within the country that impact the region and the entire world.
  • Jihad & Terrorism Studies – Examining the growth and emergence of terror tactics, including cyber warfare, as well as modern means of recruiting, spreading indoctrination, and encouraging lone wolf attacks, especially on social media. Particularly, the threat emanating from foreign fighters flocking to Syria and gaining experience in the civil war there. The foreign fighters are expected to return to their countries of origin and endanger the security and stability of those governments.
  • The Reform ProjectContinuing to amplify the voices of reformists and liberals in the Arab and Muslim world, and to analyze and promote them in the media. In honor of International Women's Day, on March 8 MEMRI launched its Women's Studies Initiative Tumblr account, on which readers can follow developments in women's rights across the Middle East, Iran, South Asia, and North and West Africa.
  • South Asia Studies Project – As the situation in South Asia is progressively deteriorating towards jihadism, U.S. soldiers are withdrawing, and U.S. strategic interests are constantly being challenged, the importance of our research is now far more essential to those who will remain behind.

Your support for MEMRI allows us to directly assist these groups on a day-to-day basis:

  • The U.S. Armed Forces: Highest echelons of the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force.
  • The U.S. Congress: MEMRI briefs both sides of the political aisle in Congress, including Majority and Minority staff of numerous influential committees – Armed Services, Homeland Security and Government Affairs, Intelligence, and Foreign Relations in the Senate as well as Armed Services, Homeland Security, Foreign Affairs, and Intelligence in the House of Representatives.
  • Federal agencies such as the White House; DOD; DHS; FBI; Department of State; DOJ; TSA; and others.
  • State and local authorities in all 50 states, on matters related to law enforcement, homeland security and counterterrorism.
  • Western government agencies continue to use MEMRI on a daily basis.
  • Academia – over 500 universities, colleges, and other institutes of higher education worldwide.
  • Leading media outlets, both print and television – including The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and others – all request MEMRI research every day.


Please consider making your donation online, as it keeps our administrative costs down. You can also mail a check to MEMRI at P.O. Box 27837; Washington, D.C. 20038-7837.

Sincerely yours,

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