March 11, 2013 Special Dispatch No. 5236

Salafi And Secular Intellectuals Exchange Insults And Nearly Come To Blows On Egyptian TV

March 11, 2013
Egypt | Special Dispatch No. 5236

Following are excerpts from a TV debate between Egyptian cleric Mahmoud Shaaban and Egyptian journalist Islam Al-Buheiri, which aired on Al-Kahera Wal-Nas TV on March 5 and 6, 2013.

Click here to view this clip on MEMRI TV.

Moderator: "If a woman abides by all the laws of the shari’a, in terms of the dress code, conduct, and everything – would you accept her as president of the country?"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "No."

Moderator: "Why not?"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "Because the Prophet said: 'A nation headed by a woman will never succeed.' The Prophet Muhammad warned against it. We abide by the texts of the shari’a.

"Nor will I accept a Christian president for Egypt."


Moderator: "Do you demand to impose the jizya poll tax on Christian Egyptians?"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "I demand the implementation of the shari’a."

Moderator: "I was asking specifically about the jizya…"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "If Christians knew what the jizya means, they would demand it themselves."

Moderator: "What is the meaning of the jizya?"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "If the shari’a were implemented as a whole, the Christians would be the happiest of all.


"Brother, you should learn something. Shaving your beard diminishes your masculinity, according to Islam."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "Of course, the entire problem boils down to a little bit of hair."

Mahmoud Shaaban: "You’d better fear Allah. All four imams agreed on this."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "Are you sure about that?"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "You know nothing about the shari’a. You want the Islam of America and Europe."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "Yes, Islam exists in America and in Europe."

Mahmoud Shaaban: "You want the Islam that Europe and America want. An Islam with no bite…"

Islam Al-Buheiri: "Actually, Islam with no beards…"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "What you want is an Islam that prostrates itself before the Zio-Western, Anglo-Torah ideology, my friend."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "I’m not your friend."


Mahmoud Shaaban: "Brother, have some fear of Allah. Stop leading people astray."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "Is it me who is leading them astray?! You haven’t said one word of truth so far."

Mahmoud Shaaban: "You don’t know what truth means."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "You said Christians are infidels. Where did you get this from?"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "It’s in the Koran.


"Egypt is a Muslim country and will never be anything else."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "It is Muslim despite you, not because of you. You are scaring Islam away from it."

Mahmoud Shaaban: "You’d better behave yourself, or I will show you the sharpness of my tongue. I’m restraining myself as much as I can."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "Do you want to have a duel? You think I don’t have a tongue myself?"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "You deserve it. You don’t stand a chance against me."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "When we’re off the air, I will teach you a lesson."

Mahmoud Shaaban: "By Allah, behave yourself. I will give you a taste of my shoe."

Shaaban bends to remove his shoe

Islam Al-Buheiri: "Oh yeah? I will wipe the floor with you."

Mahmoud Shaaban: "I will give you a taste of my shoe."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "This is the moral level you stoop to. I’m glad you’re doing this for everyone to see."

Mahmoud Shaaban: "Behave yourself!"

Islam Al-Buheiri: "I will teach you and all you people how to behave! Grabbing your shoe? Well done, I’m very pleased."

Moderator tries to restrain Mahmoud Shaaban and calm him down

Moderator: "I implore you… Please…"

Mahmoud Shaaban: "Don’t you see what he’s doing? Ask me a question, and I will answer."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "I got from him everything I needed. I am very pleased."

Mahmoud Shaaban: "I’ve said nothing but the truth, and I will not apologize for it."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "You’re done for, Sheik Mahmoud."

Mahmoud Shaaban: "Behave yourself. I will not keep silent."

Islam Al-Buheiri: "When we’re off the air, I’ll show you my own shoe. I don’t want people to see this. I promise you that once we’re off the air, I’ll teach you a new kind of defeat."


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