April 11, 2012 Special Dispatch No. 4649

In Reply to Query by UK Resident, Minbar Al-Tawhid Wal Jihad (MTJ) Okays Attacking Non-Muslims in the UK, Expresses Reservations Regarding Omar Bakri

April 11, 2012
Special Dispatch No. 4649

In a fatwa published on Minbar Al-Tawhid Wal Jihad (MTJ), prominent Salafi-jihadi cleric Abu Mundhir Al-Shinqiti expressed reservations concerning Omar Bakri and censured the agenda of his disciples' movements calling for implementation of shari'a in the UK and the West in general. The ruling came in response to a question on the matter by a self-identified UK resident, which MTJ noted was passed on by its English-language website to its shari'a committee.

Al-Shinqiti also replied to a query by the same inquirer as to whether non-Muslims in the UK enjoy an assurance of protection from the Muslims, saying that this was not the case in his opinion; in other words, Al-Shinqiti legitimizes attacks on non-Muslims in the UK.

It should be mentioned that MTJ's Salafi-jihadi clerics have issued fatwas consistently rejecting shari'a advocacy in the West along with Omar Bakri's provocative style, which has been adopted by some radical Islamists in the UK and elsewhere. However, this latest fatwa marked the first case in which Bakri was mentioned by name, with a Salafi-jihadi authority distancing himself from him personally. ...

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