June 17, 2010 Special Dispatch No. 3041

Lebanese TV Channel Airs MEMRI TV Clips, and Concludes: Hamas Mickey Mouse, Farfour, Led to Ban on Hamas TV

June 17, 2010
Lebanon, Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 3041

Following is a TV report on the banning of Al-Aqsa TV from the Eutelsat satellite. The report aired on New TV on June 17, 2010.

· To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

· To view the MEMRI TV page for Al-Aqsa TV, visit

· To read "The Banning of Al-Aqsa TV in France Based on MEMRI Research," visit The Banning of Al-Aqsa TV in France Based on MEMRI Research.

· To view the MEMRI page for the Palestinian Media Studies Project, visit

"The Hamas-Owned Al-Aqsa TV Is Banned In France – The Reason: It Incites To Resistance"

Anchor: "After [the ban on] Al-Manar TV, the Hamas-owned Al-Aqsa TV is banned in France. The reason: It incites to resistance."

Excerpts from MEMRI TV Clip No. 1497 from Al-Aqsa TV, featuring Mickey-Mouse character Farfour

Reporter: "Israel could not tolerate Farfour's call to the children of Palestine – via Al-Aqsa TV – to continue the resistance until the complete liberation of Palestinian soil, so it exerted pressure to ban Al-Aqsa in France. The Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel banned Al-Aqsa TV from broadcasting on the Eutelsat satellite in Europe, under the pretext that it was inciting to hatred, but without going into any detail. This is because the animated cartoon figure Farfour is spurring children to support resistance against Israel."

"This is a Blatant Manifestation of the Policy of Double Standards in the Skies of the Old Continent – Which Is Ruled Today by the Zionist Lobby"

"This aroused discontent in Washington and Tel Aviv, especially after Farfour was beaten to death by an Israeli interrogator in the final episode. The 'Pioneers of Tomorrow' show replaced the martyr Farfour with his cousin Nahoul, who declared that he would continue to wage Jihad."

Excerpts from MEMRI TV Clip No. 1510 from Al-Aqsa TV, featuring giant bee character Nahoul

Reporter: "Israel has claimed that the show incites Palestinian children to hatred of Israel, and U.S. media outlets have accused Al-Aqsa TV of stealing the American Mickey Mouse character and turning it into Farfour, in order to teach Palestinian children so-called 'terrorism' and hatred of the U.S. The Hamas movement has denied this.

"It should be noted that some Jewish and Israeli newspapers, TV, and radio channels, which operate within Europe and the U.S., spread propaganda for Israel without any accountability or supervision.

"This is a blatant manifestation of the policy of double standards in the skies of the old continent, which is ruled today by the Zionist lobby."

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