Pro-ISIS Bosnian Media Group Celebrates Paris Attacks: 'Blood Will Flood The Streets Of Europe'

November 15, 2015

The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On November 15, 2015, the pro-Islamic State media group “Vijesti Ummeta” (News of the Ummah) released a statement celebrating the Paris terror attacks. The statement, titled “Healing the Chests of the Believers,” describes the attacks as retribution for coalition and Russian airstrikes against ISIS.

Vijesti Ummeta operates a blog and accounts on various social networks, including Twitter (@vijestiummeta93) and Telegram. It regularly distributes ISIS publications translated into Bosnian as well as original publications in that language.

Hoempage of Vijest Ummeta's blog

On its Twitter account the group wrote a taunting message, promising further attacks: “You will never be safe. Not even in your own fortresses u dirty kuffar [infidels]. Alhamdulilllah [praise Allah] for this new big massacre. More to come. Stay tuned.” The message was accompanied by a photoshopped image of French president Francois Hollande kneeling before ISIS captors.

Following are excerpts from the statement:

"After we had witnessed Russian airstrikes on the Caliphate in the past month and a half, in which a huge number of Muslim civilians (mostly women and children) were killed, the news about the massacre that took place in the capital of prostitution, Paris, made us happy and healed our chests and the chests of the believers around the world.

"Horrible scenes of dead babies, children, women and men [victims of coalition airstrikes], have been in some way blurred by this happy news, in which The One Who does what He wants and punishes the unbelievers, from  places they never expected delighted us. His true servants have delighted us, sacrificing their lives for the sake of His pleasure….

"They have sent their planes, weapons and men. All they could send, they have sent it to a war against Muslims, against Islam; they sent it all to the land of the Caliphate, thinking, it will extinguish the light of Allah and will defeat his true slaves/servants, the mujahideen; but they were wrong. They are killing every day dozens of civilians (children, women, men), innocent people, whose only wish is to live in their land, practice their faith and raise their children  according to Islam, and not according the way that United State, France, Russia and others want them to do….

"Know, as you kill you will be killed, and what follows is even worse and more bitter. You will have no peace anywhere, we swear by Him who has raised the heavens without pillars, even in your strongholds or anywhere else.

Vijesti Ummeta's Twitter account

"Our Caliph Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi (may Allah protect him), said: ”I swear by Allah, we will have our revenge, even if it takes time, we will have our revenge.”

"Today, a day of mourning has been declared, and know that we grieve with you, because we didn’t kill more of you, and many have remained alive, and Insha’Allah their end will be a bloody one.

"And know that we await you on the ground, come down to the ground [in Iraq and Syria], and fight against us. Your airplanes are not and will not be of any help to you, because above them is our and your Lord and Creator, Allah. He will help us against you. So come, we are waiting like hungry lions. And know that we will come to you soon, and we are already here among you. Soon, blood will flood the streets all over Europe, Insha’Allah. Soon, the flag of Tawheed will rise across the whole Europe, bizznillah.

"We would like on this occasion, to address all the “(no)security” agencies of Bosnia and Herzegovina. O, you fools, even the great France and America, with all their “(no)security” agencies were unable and are unable  to stop the attacks upon them by our soldiers, the Mujahideen, servants of Allah . So how can you, with your poor “(no)security” agencies do this?  Even the birds on the trees are laughing at you, as our people say. You can expect direr and more bitter retribution than this. You fools, Bosnia is saturated with the blood of the Mujahideen who fought to establish Shari'a. It smells and breathes the martyrs' spilled blood . We swear by Allah, that blood was not spilled in vain, that blood has already given us fruits, and these fruits will soon rip the heads off your necks, Insha’Allah!  “

“And Allah does what he wants, but most people do not want to know”[1]






[1], November 15, 2015.



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