Iranian Facebook Page Seeks Young Muslim Men 18-35 For Jihad In Syria

December 8, 2015

The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.


An Iranian account on Facebook is recruiting Muslim youths from South Asia for jihad in Syria. The recruitment began after a user created a Facebook event from December 8-30, 2015, with the location of the event set at the holy city of Qom in Iran.

The account appealed in Urdu for volunteers who are aged 18-35, healthy, and with good eyesight. The Urdu text begins: "In the Name of the Lord of the Martyrs – The Pious Jihad" and goes on to ask: "What is the difference between Hezbollah and us?" and answers: "We ask: when will the path to Syria open for pilgrimage? And they [Hezbollah] ask: What can we do to open the path?"

It then states: "Aged 18-35, should be of healthy body, and the payment will be 120,000 per month [the currency is not indicated, but it could mean Afghanistan or Pakistan rupees]."

"If you are martyred," it adds, "the rights of the parents and the rights of the wife and children will be [financially] met separately. The family of the martyr will be sent on pilgrimage to Iran, Iraq and Syria every year. The education of the children will be completed. The training for the pious defence is 45 days."

It further notes: "In addition to this, the training is Syria will be six months and there will be holidays for 15 days after every three months… After arriving in Qom, Iran, make contact via the following numbers: 09014383334, 09014383334."

Within 24 hours of the Facebook event page's creation, 604 Facebook users were invited; nine of them confirmed that they would be attending, and 12 said they were "interested."

The Facebook recruitment page is promoted by a following Facebook user who appears to know both Persian and Urdu.[i]

Recruitment/event page

The Urdu notice recruiting young men for jihad

Source:, accessed December 9, 2015.


The Cyber & Jihad Lab

The Cyber & Jihad Lab monitors, tracks, translates, researches, and analyzes cyber jihad originating from the Middle East, Iran, South Asia, and North and West Africa. It innovates and experiments with possible solutions for stopping cyber jihad, advancing legislation and initiatives federally – including with Capitol Hill and attorneys-general – and on the state level, to draft and enforce measures that will serve as precedents for further action. It works with leaders in business, law enforcement, academia, and families of terror victims to craft and support efforts and solutions to combat cyber jihad, and recruits, and works with technology industry leaders to craft and support efforts and solutions.

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