March 6, 2012 Special Dispatch No. 4550

Al-Qaeda Official Ustad Ahmad Farooq: Upon His Victory in Mecca, The Prophet Muhammad Ordered The Blood of Those Who Were Against Him To Be Spilled

March 6, 2012
Special Dispatch No. 4550

In an audio lecture delivered in Urdu about Islam's Prophet Muhammad, Ustad Ahmad Farooq, head of Al-Qaeda's Dawah and Media Department for Pakistan, stressed: "The Prophet Muhammad has right on the faithful more than their own lives," and added that there is no punishment other than execution for someone who commits an act of blasphemy against the Prophet.

The audio lecture was recorded and produced around May 2011 and is the fourth in a series of lectures by Ustad Ahmad Farooq on the issues of Islamic Sharia, jihad, and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. The lecture was released on a jihadist internet forum in mid-February 2012.

In the lecture, Ustad Farooq stressed love for Prophet Muhammad as required in adequate measure by the Koran, and clarifies that the prophet had ordered the execution of those who blasphemed against him. The Al-Qaeda official told a story of how all people were granted amnesty on the day of the victory of Mecca except for 10 people, including women, who were ordered by the prophet to be killed for their blasphemy against him. ...

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