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Mar 12, 2016
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Iranian Workers Demonstrate against Iranian Spending on the War in Syria

#5393 | 01:03
Source: Orient News TV (Syrian Opposition)

In a recent rally held in Isfahan, Iranian workers and pensioners protested against the Iranian regime's spending on the war in Syria, chanting: "The regime] has emptied [the pockets] of the people and made everyone miserable and "Get out of Syria, and think about [the Iranian people] instead." Footage from the rally was broadcast by the Syrian Orient News TV channel and posted on the Internet on March 13, 2016.


Following are excerpts:



Iranian protesters: [The regime] has emptied [the pockets] of the people and made everyone miserable.



[The regime] has emptied [the pockets] of the people and made everyone miserable.



[The regime] has emptied [the pockets] of the people and made everyone miserable.



[The regime] has emptied [the pockets] of the people and made everyone miserable.



[The regime] has emptied [the pockets] of the people and made everyone miserable.



[The regime] has emptied [the pockets] of the people and made everyone miserable.



[The regime] has emptied [the pockets] of the people and made everyone miserable.



Get out of Syria, and think about [the Iranian people] instead.



Get out of Syria, and think about [the Iranian people] instead.



Get out of Syria, and think about [the Iranian people] instead.


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