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May 10, 2015
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Egyptian Justice Minister Mahfouz Saber: Sons of Sanitation Workers Should Not Become Judges

#4902 | 01:19

During a May 10, 2015 interview on TEN TV, Egyptian Justice Minister Mahfouz Saber said that the environment in which a judge is brought up should be appropriate and that the son of a sanitation worker "wouldn't last" as a judge. The media outrage that ensued over his remarks led to his resignation.

Following is an excerpt:

Mahfouz Saber: A judge should come from an environment suitable for his work, with all due respect to the sanitation workers, and to people of lower or even higher status. The environment in which a judge is brought up should be appropriate – no more and no less. He should grow up in an appropriate environment. We say "well done" to the sanitation worker who raised his son until he got a diploma. Well done. Indeed, well done. But if this son were to work as a judge, he would suffer from depression and from many other things. Take it from me, he wouldn't last.

Interviewer: Is this based on experience or research?

Mahfouz Saber: Yes, yes… With all due respect to the simple people, the work of a judge requires a certain status, and he must be rooted in a respectable environment, both in the material and the moral senses.


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